Upload Summaries

שימו לב שבחינות שיעלו ללא שאלון הבחינה לא יתקבלו!

יש להקפיד על שמות קבצים כשמות/מספרי הקורסים,
יש לשים לב להזין שם מרצה בהעלאת הקובץ!

Please note that file names must include the course names/numbers
Pay attention to enter the lecturer’s name when uploading the file!

How do I upload files to the database?

How do I upload a summary to the database?

  • The copyright of the summary is yours.
  • The summary contains all the lectures or all the exercises/full exam.
  • There are no handwritten photographs of anyone else in the summary.
  • There are no photographs of the lecturer/practitioner/presentations in the summary.

If the summary is typed:

  • Fill out the online form on this page.
  • The relevant file must be attached.

If the summary is handwritten:

  • Fill out the online form on this page.
  • Be sure to scan clearly, also possible to scan using CamScanner.

What can I upload?

  • Lecture summaries
  • Tirgul (lesson) summaries
  • Quizes (student and/or lecturer answers) – including the questions and a solution together in the same file.
  • Exams (student and/or lecturer solution)

Are the questions and answers separate on the exam? Use this tool

To upload a file, fill out the following form:

Student details

Summary details

Add file
*Please also upload the questions